How to manifest Goals, Desires and Dreams

Learn 5000 Years ancient MAYAN SECRET
Unlock your secret power in 16 days
Be Champion
Secret’s of Mayavisai

Secret #01
Secret #02
Secret #03
The science behind Law of Attraction and what do you do to manifest your desires successfully
How do all the successful people use Law of Attraction to manifest big success in their life.
Science & art of Law of Attraction , why & how it works?

உங்கள் ஆசைகள், இலக்குகள் மற்றும் கனவுகளை கண்டிப்பாக அடையலாம் தினமும் 16 நிமிடங்கள் மட்டும் பயிற்சி செய்தால்

Want To Attract Abundance Happiness In in your life ?

Discover The "MAYAVISAI " within you To Attract
- 10X Health & Wealth
- Relationships and Career
Start a New Life Free from Debt, Disease, Overthinking, and Stress!
MAYAVISAI Masterclass
2-hour online workshop
Spend 16 minutes per day u can transform your life & create new lifestyle with in 16 days
28th July, 2024 | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM IST
Learn More

What You Learn Inside The Program
You want to gain a deep sense of trust in yourself and your life path
How to create own affirmations
How to transform energy with gratitude technique?
How to use cancel cancel technique?
How to manifest using Water Bottle?
Divine MAYA KRIYA powerful mind & body meditation

For Whom This Program Is
* Feeling lagged and demotivated in your work.
* Doing fine but want to grow big.
* Want better salary hike this year.
* Tired of your boss/ office politics.
* Want personal time for your family and friends.
* Feeling alone and disrespected.
* Want to accomplish something great.
* Want your child to grow in all aspects.
* Want your husband's job/ business to do well.
* Want to help your family to overcome their challenges
Business owner/trader
* Want to 10X your business growth.
* Want to make better decisions for your business.
* Want personal time for your family and friends.
* Worried about business future and don’t know what to do.
* Want to overcome your debt.
Job Aspirant
* Want High paying Job
* Preparing for a government job but not able to make it.
* Facing issues during the interview and want to overcome it.
* Your experience is not allowing you to take one more chance.
* Want to help your family to overcome debt.
Download Ebook

Who's is Sri Anantha Gubera Guruji?
Dr. Star Anand Ram known as Sri Anantha Gubera Guruji from Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
He traveled all the world make positive financial life style with Divine Lord Gubera Grace.
He trained more than 5 lak people's and conduct 1000 + workshop in different countries. Wrote 30+ books. Currently doing 10+ life changing workshop.
He have 1 million flowers in all social media and founder of Sri Gubara peedam @ velliyangiri hills, coimbatore.

Straight from our followers
My life is ZERO to HERO because of I believe myself now. Guruji only thought me to believe myself
Chitra - Malaysia
I really think you have a superpower around because your motivation tips really worked in few days thanks a lot Star Anand ram sir
Punithavalli - US London
You will reduce your success duration from 5 to 10 years to 1 to 2 years. You will transform a life inside out.Just take one thing at a time and practice it fully and it has the potential to change your life in a brighter and radiant way.
Thanks Guruji thanks a lot
Yuva Gkpathm MBA ( USA )
Sujatha Yuva Vadivelu USA

16 minutes every day as per Guruji guidelines
Our team will guide u & u will add in follow-ups & free broadcast list also
You can call 786 886 8899 our team will guide you.

How it’s works
Practice is "the deliberate repetition of a process with the intention of reaching a specific goal, "100 % proved system
As our guruji Always says

Mayavisai Masterclass Starting on
JULY 28th , 5 PM to 7 Pm
Join Now
For more Details: 78688 68899